Melissa Upham-Strickland Lmt,Ccht,Reiki Master
Massage Therapist / Hypnotherapist / Master Sound Healer

Hypnotherapy Articl

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind where intentional access is gained into the subconscious. It is an extaordinary quality of mental, physical and emotional relaxation much like meditation. In fact meditation is a form of self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is induced naturally in our daily lives much more often than most people realize. Anytime you find yourself daydreaming, engrossed in a novel, meditating or find you did something but don't remember doing it, such as driving home; you are in a natural self-induced state of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is not sleeping, nor can a hypnotherapist make you do anything unknowingly that you don't willingly wish to experience. During hypnosis you are fully aware of everything going on and in complete control at all times, unlike what has been portrayed in the movies and on television, which is purely for entertainment purposes only. Hypnosis is a deep trance like state where we can bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Research has proven that through hypnosis we actually slow down brain waves from the common Beta (waking state) to Alpha and even Theta (dream) states. We all experience hypnosis regularly just as we are going into and coming out of sleep, as we must pass through Alpha to go into deep sleep. A hypnotherapist is simply a guide that accompanies and assists the client into and throughout the process of hypnosis-relaxation, focused awareness and intentional mind training. 

Hypnosis is often used for:  self improvement, to alleviate pain and discomfort in the body, intentional mind training, accelerate healing post surgery, pre-operative surgery, procedural pain reduction, childbirth, reduce migraines/headaches, reduce stress, lower blood pressure, release emotional baggage, expand consiousness and change unwanted habits or behavior to create positive change in your life. The most common things most people have heard of it being used for is quiting smoking and losing weight. However, Hypnosis cannot make someone quit smoking or stop them from overeating; the client must choose to want to make these changes in their life before any results can be seen. Hypnosis can help someone quit smoking or lose weight by increasing the desire to eat healthy, exercise or smoke less. 

Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for counseling or a panacea for all of life's problems. The hypnotherapist is not a mental health practitioner nor psychologist or physician and cannot diagnose your problem.  Hypnotherapy is however, a wonderful adjunct to counseling and phychotherapy and often times can accelerate the healing process.

When used as directed Hypnosis will help you feel like doing more of whatever it is you want or need to do to succeed at whatever it is you are aiming to accomplish in your life.  It causes shifts in your awareness and self perception, builds confidence and increases self esteem, increases assertiveness and helps you overcome fears and phobias.